Founded in 2009
Chengdu Eastwing Filter Co. LTD
伊斯頓公(gōng)司是一家集設計、研發、生産(chǎn)、銷售、服務(wù)為(wèi)一體(tǐ)的專業從事過濾淨化成套産(chǎn)品的高新(xīn)技(jì )術企業。公(gōng)司以“讓天更藍、讓水更清、讓空氣更清新(xīn)”為(wèi)使命,持續深化科(kē)技(jì )創新(xīn),提升運營管理(lǐ)水平,專注于為(wèi)“天然氣、頁(yè)岩氣、煤層氣全産(chǎn)業鏈”“石油煉化及化工(gōng)全産(chǎn)業鏈”的油、水、煙霧、粉塵、空氣、溶液等方面為(wèi)客戶提供高效優質(zhì)的一體(tǐ)化過濾淨化解決方案。
Eastwing Company is a set of design, research and development, production, sales, service as one of the professional engaged in filtration and purification complete sets of products of high-tech enterprises. With the mission of "make the sky bluer, make the water clearer and make the air fresher", the company continues to deepen scientific and technological innovation, improve the level of operation and management, and focuses on providing customers with efficient and high-quality integrated filtration and purification solutions for the oil, water, smoke, dust, air and solution of "the whole industry chain of natural gas, shale gas and coalbed gas" and "the whole industry chain of petroleum refining and chemical industry".
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